Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Old ballgame

We had a great time at the Whitecaps game this evening. We were guests of Sean's friend who invited us to his company's suite...if you can tell from the kids' faces, it was pretty sweet! Charlie had his fill of hot dogs and popcorn, and Mer loved taking photos with Roxy, one of the team's mascots. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Cold Weekend

It was an unseasonably cold May weekend, but we certainly made the most of it.
I was a parent chaperone for Mer's zoo field frip on Friday - lots of fun! And we had a nice time making  cookies, sleeping in a tent in the basement (thanks, Daddy) and visiting the library.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day

We had a relaxing Mother's Day. 
We enjoyed a nice lunch on Sunday and then planted Meredith's fairy garden and planted flowers in the planters on the deck. We'll have more pictures this weekend - after we attend the Whitecaps baseball game on Sunday.