Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Little Slugger

Charlie is too young to join a t-ball team this spring, but he was able to participate in the Little Sluggers program through parks and rec.  He is learning how to hit, field, catch, and throw.  He had his first lesson last night and really loved it; he has a couple friends from his preschool in the class.
He was really worn out after all the action!

Spring Break - Day 4

There was some fun for everyone on day 4 of our vacation.  Mer and I enjoyed some spring skiing at Boyne Mountain - she loved it!  And Charlie and Sean visited The Call of the Wild Museum in Gaylord where Charlie enjoyed displays featuring elk, wolverines, and bears.  We capped off the afternoon with a trip to the Trophy Room at Boyne for some popcorn and a visit to the arcade where the kids tried our a motorcycle video game.

Spring Break - Day 3

On day 3, we visited a very fun place just outside of Harbor Springs - Pond Hill Farm.  This is a great destination; they have a wonderful cafĂ©, a beautiful farm, and lots of hiking trails on the property.  It was a wonderful afternoon.

Spring Break - Day 2

Day 2 of our vacation was pretty rainy....so we went to the Kilwin's Chocolate Factory in Petoskey for a tour a sampling of some sweet treats.  And then we went to a bowling alley outside of Harbor Springs.  The kids love bowling.

Spring Break - Day 1

We had such a great time enjoying spring break up north at Boyne Mountain. 
On our first day, we explored Boyne City and played at a playground there, had lunch in Petoskey and walked around their downtown park (the kids liked to balance on the old railroad that in the city park), and we even found a waterfall there.