Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bubble fun

First some tear before "bubble buy-in"...

Then some coloring...

Finally bubble time!


Barb said...

Hi Mer,
You are having so much fun and learning your colors and words. I really like your easel. Your Aunt Clara had one when she was little. Grandpa Tom and Nannie are coming real soon for a visit. We are so excited for "show and tell".

Nancy McLeod said...

The Brown's sure wish we could see these videos.... says they aren't available??????????????? (even when you click on them)

Patsi and Bryan said...

The videos are sooo cute! It brightened our day :)
I'll be impressed when she says turquoise

Nancy McLeod said...

Meredith... when your mommy was about 2, Aunt Carol and I were talking to her about balloons and asked her what she liked.. she said, "a boo badoon" I see you say boo too !!

Love Aunt Nancy