Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bedtime Rituals

Meredith has very specific demands, err, expectations when it comes to the friends she wants in her bed each night. As you can see from the photo above, the following 13 items must be in the crib with Meredith: blue elephant, yellow lion, purple elephant (she calls him "other elephant"), white lamby, Dora & Boots (these are actually bath toys, but will not hear of putting them in water), monkey (the original), yorkie doggie, bear with Lions jersey, Buzz & Woody, baby doll (in various stages of undress, but the baby, her dress, and her diaper all must be accounted for), and ladybug pillow pet. And yes, Meredith does take inventory!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Now wait a this playtime or bedtime? You've "conned", er rather trained your Dada really well.
I love all of you, Nannie