Monday, June 13, 2016

Vacation - Day 3

Today was overcast but fortunately not raining, and we made the most of it. We traveled to Leland to check out Fishtown, throw some rocks in the river, and enjoy a fresh whitefish lunch at The Cove.  When we got back in the car, the kids fell asleep immediately, so we decided to just keep driving rather than wake them up. We ended up in Traverse City. We walked down Front Street and window shopped. Then we went to Pirate's Cove for some mini-golf.  Charlie absoutly loved it!

1 comment:

Barb said...

I know Mer is a terrific swimmer, but Nannie definitely sees the game of golf in Charlie's future. Darling photos of the kids and some happy moments. Northern Michigan is the best!
Kisses & Hugs